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Thank you for taking time to submit your idea. GeoGathering�s goal for 2015 is to provide attendees with top-notch presentations that will invoke conversation and inspire solid ideas for developing a geospatial data sharing strategy, no matter what the size of the organization.

Our selection process will weight operator presentations more heavily than vendor-only presentations because they focus on real-world, "in-the-trenches" scenarios. Any submitted vendor-only presentation MUST showcase an operator case study and MUST include educational handouts. Most presentations will be 30 minutes in length.

Lead Presenter

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Job Title:*

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Proposed Topic:*

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Presentation Title:* (  characters remaining)

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Please choose a title that emphasizes the importance of your findings.
Short Abstract:* (  characters remaining)

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Expanded Abstract:* (  characters remaining)

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Expand on your short abstract to give the steering committee more information about what you will cover. Make sure to discuss what the organization wants to achieve, the conditions controlling the decisions, broad overview of the plan, and any results.

Learing Objectives:*
Learning Objective #1:* (  characters remaining)

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Learning Objective #2:* (  characters remaining)

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Learning Objective #3*: (  characters remaining)

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Job Title:



Have you presented this topic before?*
Please make a selection.
Is this a vendor-only submission?*
Please make a selection.
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