2008 Presentation

Oil and Gas Regulatory Mapping and GeoSpatial Data Modeling

Regulatory mapping serves many audiences throughout the lifecycle of managing oil and gas projects. BLM Regulatory Permits require specific maps during the approval process. Collecting and visualizing the information is complex enough. Many wells are permitted together in a plan of development (POD) for the Powder River Basin. Gathering and symbolizing the infrastructure for one POD is tedious. Assimilating all POD projects into a map is chaos. The process for the permit mapping must be efficient and repeatable, but must also be scalable to support mapping throughout the lifecycle of managing oil and gas field assets. The operator to be cited in this case study has designed a new workflow and implemented technical solutions to achieve several goals:

  • Centralization of Regulatory Mapping Data
  • Centralization of mapping
  • Publishing the data through several platforms to empower users through heavy and light weight solutions for local and remote access
  • Leveraging the corporate investment in imagery
  • Interfacing with the BLM
  • Implementing a workflow that is scalable throughout the lifecycle and geographic regions.

This session is to present an overview of the workflow, the technology including the geospatial database design, and specific components that solved technical or time consuming issues.

Speaker Biography - Peter Moreau

Pete Moreau is an ITS Advisor at Anadarko Petroleum where he provides strategic GIS project management support. He also provides coordinate system and geodesy support. Prior to his 15 years of GIS practice Pete worked as a geophysicist at Anadarko's predecessor companies. Pete is active on the ESRI Petroleum Users Group steering committee, a member of the Americas Petroleum Survey Group and holds a Texas Board of Geoscientists license.

Speaker Biography - Sharon Davis Rogan

Sharon Davis Rogan is a GIS Consultant with Spatial Solutions Group. Sharon‘s GIS career has spanned 25-years delivering solutions for enterprise petroleum mapping and data modelling. Sharon has held positions of Product Manager, Services Manager, Consultant and Developer for Petroleum companies and Data vendors. Currently, Sharon is focused on innovations for Anadarko Regulatory Mapping.

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Peter Moreau
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Sharon Davis Rogan
Spatial Solutions Group

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