2008 Presentation

Using GIS in Gathering Lines at Centurion Pipeline

The acquisition of diverse-heritage gathering lines with varied non-computerized mapping standards generated a need for a system that supported information for pipeline operations, maintenance, management, regulatory and accounting activities. Continuous growth and interconnections, along with regular status changes are characteristics of dynamic pipeline networks that need to respond to companies’ and customers’ interests. This presentation will focus on the needs, goals and methods employed in responding to the challenge.

The presentation will be divided in two parts. First, the focus will be on the processes of data acquisition, developing the following three aspects: 1) A comparison among the diverse standards of information available on gathering pipeline. The information provided to Centurion Pipeline shows that opposite to transmission lines maps, the maps for gathering lines lack cartographic standards. Thus, features such as map size, scale, and background data depend heavily on the company that prepares them. 2) Methodologies of centerline and attribute capture processes. Cartographic variability forced the adoption of varied georectification and edge-matching strategies in order to carry on a uniform centerline and attribute capture process. 3) A description of line identity criteria, necessary in database ingest. Naming and segmenting gathering pipelines is another non-standardized process that required the development of general guidelines.

Afterwards, there will be a description of the ongoing process of integrating gathering line info along with transmission line data within a pipeline management system and a mobile mapping application. The two-component setup allows for storage, use and update of pipeline data. The pipeline management system hosts the information and provides tools for multiple pipeline applications including pipeline database control, generation of cartographic products and reports, support of various operation aspects, and integration with external datasets. The core of this information is available to field users through the mobile mapping application. With it, they are able to utilize it for location purposes while having the ability of querying, correcting and updating it.

Speaker Biography

Mauricio Baquero is a GIS Specialist with experience in cartography, remote sensing and geology. Before coming to the US, he performed in different areas of oil exploration in South America, particularly in the use of GIS and remote sensing in geological cartography. As an Imagery and GIS Analyst at Satellite Imaging Corporation in Houston, he participated in a multiple projects including the characterization of a pipeline corridor in the Andes, parcel mapping for oil leases in Pennsylvania, and image interpretation in the four continents. He expanded the company applications using GIS combined with multispectral processing. He started working for the pipeline industry in 2004, when joined Centurion Pipeline in Midland, Texas, as its first GIS Specialist. He participated in the implementation of a GIS-based Pipeline Management System. Currently he manages the geographic component of Centurion Pipeline.

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Mauricio Baquero
Senior GIS Specialist
Centurion Pipeline L.P.

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